This Wednesday Agnostic Front either chose (or lucked out on) what have to be some of the best HC supports to have played the Camden Underworld in AGES.
Well worth fighting through the soggy summer rain for, UK-based Pay No Respect (who also supported Terror a few weeks ago) have a pretty classic hardcore approach but a fairly metal-at-heart guitarist with a seriously catchy groove to his fretwork which makes their tracks both comfortingly credible but also quietly catchy. Well worth checking them out live or online if you get the chance, especially if you're a fan of straight-forward hardcore with a distinctive modern twist.
San Franscico's First Blood, meanwhile, have a distinctly hardcore drummer but are otherwise up to their ears in metal influences. Thier frontman, Carl, proves he was almost wasted as Terror's bassist, as he's a frankly incredible vocalist with an almighty stage presence. You can practically feel the 200% force behind the raw throaty shouts and his striding and constant snapping arm movements make you feel as though you're being put through your paces at a military bootcamp more than just watching a show! And all this after subjecting us to an almost complete recording of We Are The World before they walked on stage. Ha!
A little sample of what they can be like live can be found here... Feel the power.