They are as tight as blow-up Rosie's grip on the train carriage she rides, and scamper about stage tirelessly until the curfew stops them. Blessing us with impressive newer tracks and steller live renditions of Back In Black, Thunderstruck, TNT and The Jack which comes with a hysterical Angus strip-show (right down to AC/DC boxers, fear not!), they even lower the obligatory Hell's bell at the appropriate moment. There is barely a moment to grab your next beer! Oh, happy days.
Ok, so the cannons could have been more aggressive and there could have been a FEW more Razor's Edge classics...but, for Satan's sake, they had pyrotechnics and a blow-up doll so grotesque it left nothing to the imagination (yes, I'm talking from rings to rolls of flesh and dollar bills)...and, most essentially, Brian Johnson's voice is immaculate and the fret sound sheer perfection. The frenzied shimmying and squeals and the blinding over-load of guitar solos is as epic as it was in '73.
They end with 'For Those About To Rock (We Salute You)'. And, by god - armed with flashing red devil horns and screams of ANGUS - we do.

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