18 June 2011

Converge FOREVER

Converge have to be one of the greatest bands live - ever. And what's sickening is how they just seem to get better every year you see them. This week's show at the O2 Islington in London was so good it's almost cruel. I could only find a couple of videos of Converge's tracks on YouTube (health warning: do not watch THIS if you're scared of heights) so please ping me if you find or have any more so I can worship them, relive the memories again - and also add them to the Blog / favourite them on my Channel. Thanks muchly!

It's always curious to see who dare support this lot, so I'm not sure what they were thinking adding 33 to the bill...(think a shockingly dated dual vocal act with a bored-looking guitarist and seriously below-average drummer...kill us now) but I owe them a huge thanks for introducing me to Pettybone! If you, like me, haven't heard this fabulously furious all-girl band before, do see if you can hunt them down with me at either the Relentless Garage on the 6th July or The Unicorn in Camden on the 3rd. You might recognise their rather impressive drumming talent from performances in Camden with Invasion .


tbizkits said...

Converge is one of my favorite bands, and I hate when a lot of my "metal" friends rip on them and think they suck because of whatever stupid reason they come up with. Saw them 3 weeks ago in NYC, so much head walking, it was so brilliant.

You should listen to All Pigs Must Die. Ben (drummer from Converge) plays in this band with dudes from the Hope Conspiracy.

Unknown said...

Have finally got myself All Pigs. The pressure's on - will keep ya posted!! :)