Hell to the yes. Refused are confirmed to be back in the game and returning to the tour scene. No news of albums yet, but they are down for Coachella, Monster Bash, Groez, and Way Out West Festivals and it's looking likely they'll do a few European headline tours too.
It's been 14 years since they last rocked our world and no one has come near them as far as unique and progressive hardcore is concerned (although you might want to check out the latest UK's Last Witness and Century releases if you're after distraction while you're waiting). Don't be thinking that they were lazy in their time off, though... Kristofer has his Opera Academy degree now, Jons is completing his medical studies and drummer David and vocalist Dennis have been amusing themselves over the last few years with TEXT, some solo work and The (International) Noise Conspiracy, Invasionen and AC4. They've now seen the light and know we need them back on more time, though!
"We wanna do it over, do it right. For the people who've kept the music alive through the years, but also for our own sakes.
We feel that you deserve it and we hope the feeling is mutual."
It is, guys, it is :-D
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